My poem First Question (shade laurel) is included in this anthology of poetry and photographs that respond to the ecological crisis of our time. Edited by Greg Delanty, with a forward by John Elder, and an Envoy by Bill McKibben.
It is established now that there is little time left for so many plants and creatures, including ourselves, if we go on living as we do. Many have already run out of time. We are turning the planet into a place where we cannot live as a species, or if we do manage to survive, we will live in diminished ways.
— Greg Delanty, Proem
Poetry both catalyzes and distills our human potential for affiliation with the world. It is, like the extravaganza of evolution itself, a process of ceaseless embodiment.
— John Elder, in the Foreward
Environmentalists long ago word the scientific battle, but we needed to reach people’s hearts as well. This superb volume will do just that.
— Bill McKibben, Envoy